Jasminum azoricum or Lemon Scented Jasmine is a lovely, evergreen climber with rich green leaves and fragrant white flowers that emerge from pink buds in summer.
It can be grown as a shrub with some support or as a climber on wires or a trellis.
Plant in a warm, sunny aspect and avoid frosts.
And then be prepared to be overwhelmed at sunset when the fragrance release it at its highest levels. Sweet and musky, its an experience no one should miss.
Soil: Fertile, moist but well drained soil - does best in a full sun location.
Maintenance: Prune after flowering to keep in control - can be easily propogated from cuttings - preferably after flowering.
Diseases: None of note.
Comments: A wonderfull olefactory sensation (whiff) - particulalry at dusk when the perfume invades the entire garden.