Raspberry Kaituna™ has large, medium red conical firm fruit with an excellent flavour and high yields. This divine raspberry grows as a bramble on upright canes. They are covered with rose-type leaves. Small white flowers are followed by luscious, sweet, delicate fruit. Vigorous and productive plant, which spreads fast and is one of the easiest of all to grow. Canes are vigorous, with a high number of strong upright canes. Dormant canes are light brown and spineless. Harvest is early season, December -January.
Raspberries are a top antioxidant food, high in fibre, vitamin C and folate.
Prune out dead, old and fruited canes in winter so 10 - 12 strong canes are left per plant. All Raspberries like a soil rich in organic matter with good drainage essential. Roots are close to the surface, so will benefit from mulching with organic matter and regular watering during dry periods. Apply general fertiliser in spring. Spray with organic copper and an organic oil spray in winter and at bud burst to help prevent insect and fungal diseases.
Produced and Marketed by Tharfield Nursery Ltd in association with Plant & Food Research. Raspberry Kaituna™ (‘Rubus idaeus Kaituna) is protected under the New Zealand Plant Variety Act 1987.