It is a fabulous groundcover, fast-growing and evergreen. Excellent for weed suppression or to stabilise banks to prevent erosion. Great for pots or hanging baskets with rich foliage flowing over the sides. Thrives in harsh conditions from hot and dry to wet.
Culinary & Nutrition
Orangeberry has cancer-fighting ellagic acid, fibre-rich seeds, vitamins C & A, folate, potassium, iron and calcium. They give a dramatic colour contrast in a berry fruit salad or berry pie. It is hesitant in fruiting consistently.
Growing Conditions
Extremely tough ground cover is suitable for many harsh conditions. Full sun will provide the best opportunity to flower. Orangeberry is frost tolerant, and the leaves will get a purple tinge. Pruning is only required to restrict growth.
Will grow in sandy or clay soil but does not like wet soil.
Restrict roots by planting in a pot or plant 4 to 6 feet apart to allow them plenty of room to spread.
Feed sparingly and only when foliage is pale green apply a granular fertilizer in spring. Apply fertiliser when the foliage is dry, and use a broom or rake to remove excess granules from the leaves. Then water with overhead irrigation to wash off any residual fertiliser.
Prune only to restrict growth. Ideally this plant should be planted where it can grow and cover a large area without the risk of growing over paths and other plants.
-1.5°C once established and leaves get a purple tinge but will not die off.
Special Conditions
To encourage fruiting: do not feed, apply potash, do not prune, and restrict roots.