A refreshing mix of sweet Spearmint, aromatic Curled Mint and cool Peppermint, each bringing a subtle and unique flavour to any dish or beverage. Roast lamb, salads, tabbouleh and tzatziki all benefit from the signature Spearmint taste, and Peppermint is one of life’s great pleasures in icy drinks and desserts.
Part shade.
All mints will spread vigorously. Sow in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix and transplant when 5-6cm tall.
All mints need moist, shady conditions. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem. Hints: Peppermint is superb when finely chopped and added to salads and cold meats. Curled Mint dresses up cooked vegetables. Try Spearmint in soups, salads or drinks. It’s very healthy too, breaking down rich foods.