Used as a culinary herb since Roman times, Wild Rocket has distinctive deep green serrated leaves, with a more intense and pungent flavour than standard salad Rocket. It adds peppery sophistication to salads, and it’s a great match with nuts, fruit and a zesty dressing. Hardy and drought tolerant once established.
Sun or part shade.
Sow directly where they are to grow. Cover lightly, press down and keep moist.
Grow in sun or part-shade in a well drained position. Enrich soil with compost and organic fertiliser (such as Yates Blood & Bone or Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Food) before planting. Apply Yates Thrive Soluble Plant Food at weekly intervals. Protect plants from snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem Snail & Slug Pellets.
Wild Rocket is a tasty and interesting addition to mixed salads. Remove flowers to prevent plants spreading by seed.