Alfalfa or Lucerne is a real health food. It is rich in many nutrients, has high levels of vitamins and minerals. Excellent to eat in salads, sandwiches or with many dishes.
Full sun
Use a large coffee or jam jar.
- Place the seed in the jar, soak in tepid water for about 3 hours, covering the top of the jar with either muslin, cheesecloth or a cotton handkerchief.
- Pour off the water, placing the jar on a slant which will allow good drainage and ventilation.
- Fill the jar twice a day with tepid water, shake well then drain off.
- In about 3-5 days, sprouts should be ready to be eaten.
- Once sprouted, sprouts can be refrigerated for about one week without losing flavour, provided they are placed in an airtight container.
Sprouts are best grown in an indoor position away from direct heat or sunlight.
Sprouts can be refrigerated for about one week without losing flavour, provided they are placed in an airtight container.