Ligularia Rukuhia Beauty, also known as the dwarf tractor seat plant, is similar but smaller growing and has more delicate foliage than the traditional tractor seat plant you may know and love. Ligularia Rukuhia Beauty features kidney shaped glossy green leaves and stems of daisy like, sunshine yellow flowers in Spring. Ligularia Rukuhia Beauty will be successful in most soil types, but performs best in moist, well draining, loamy soil. Plant in a shady spot, avoiding direct sunlight. Perfect as a statement plant, indoor foliage or in pots. Ligularia Rukuhia Beauty will grow to a height of 30cm and width of 50cm. Likes moisture and a feed of slow release fertiliser every six months. Highly recommended for the modern low maintenance garden.
It is proving itself to be a hardy customer in cooler locations around New Zealand, surviving mild frosting and full sun.