Westringia fruticosa Grey Box (Dwarf Coastal Rosemary) is a small growing evergreen shrub that grows 2 to 3 feet tall and wide and can be trimmed to be even smaller. It has a naturally rounded habit with attractive linear pale glaucous gray-green leaves arranged in two matching pairs spaced along gray-white stems - the glaucousness of the leaves combined with the whitish stems gioves this plant a particularly gray appearance even though the leaves, when inspected closely, are a pale gray-green.
The nearly 1 inch wide flowers appear in small clusters along the stems near branch tips from late winter to summer and sporadically throughout the entire year. Plant in full sun to light shade and irrigate occasionally to very little - a water conserving plant but keeps better colour and remains more dense when given occasional spring and summer irrigation. This variety, unlike other Westringia, has been found to tolerate wet soils as well and is suited to most soil types including sandy and heavy clay soils.
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