Saxon series hydrangeas are bred to be dwarf, producing an incredible mass of compact mop head flowers on a plant approximately 60cm tall, ideal in the smaller gardens and courtyards of today’s homes.
Hydrangea ‘Red Dawn’ is an exceptional red-cerise hydrangea which is free flowering with a profusion of flower heads on a neat and compact bush. Ideal for
courtyard and container use and can even be utilised as an indoor specimen in a stylish pot for a short time. Unlike larger species Saxon Hydrangeas flower as a mass of bloom on a very young plant so you don’t have to wait long to enjoy them in the garden. Flowering occurs from late spring through summer.
As Saxons put so much energy into their flowers ensure good soil fertility and adequate moisture while plants establish themselves. Feed with slow release
fertiliser for optimum results. Some shade in the hottest part of the day is preferable.