A cheery, laid-back annual that’s native to North America, Goldilocks Rocks® Bidens ferulifolia contributes a stunning floral display to containers and gardens in sunny locations. If you’re partial to plant varieties that don’t require constant care and attention, then Goldilocks Rocks® is for you. Don’t worry, though, this relaxed Bidens variety is anything but lazy! Large, bright-gold flowers bloom continuously from spring until fall, even in hot, dry weather.
Goldilocks Rocks® features fine, trailing foliage that somehow maintains a neat mounding habit. Yes, this plant manages to be trailing and mounding at the same time! That’s why it’s the perfect “filler” or “spiller” for nearly any combination planting. Gardeners across the country have noticed that the large gold flowers look great with nearly any other plant, making the Goldilocks Rock® a real team player.