Controls various insects, mites and diseases on roses and ornamentals.
- Controls the most common rose pest & disease problems including aphids, black spot, rust and powdery mildew.
- Highly effective combination of a low toxic synthetic pyrethoid insecticide and a systemic broad spectrum fungicide.
- Ideal for controlling mites and whitefly.
- Economical concentrated formula – the 500ml pack makes 50 litres of spray.
- Child resistant cap.
- Easy-to-use measure bottle.
How It Works
The insecticide works via both contact and stomach action where the insect is killed via spraying or eating the sap or leaves.
The fungicide is absorbed into the plant’s system and is translocated around the plant to control disease.
Contains a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide and a systemic fungicide.
4.4g/litre mycolbutanil and 9.6g/litre tau-fluvalinate in the form of a suspension concentrate.
Directions for use
Shake well. Mix 10ml of Super Shield ( 2 teaspoons ) per litre of water. Spray plants until all leaf surfaces are covered. Complete coverage of foliage is necessary for good results.Spray at 2 weekly intervals during active growth.
The addition of Yates Sprayfix to the spray mixture will enhance spray coverage and adhesion to foliage.