Rhododendron maddenii is a rhododendron species native to Bhutan, northern India, northeast Myanmar, Sikkim, Thailand, northern Vietnam, and southwestern China, where it grows at altitudes of 2600–3200 metres.
Bronze-green foliage, decorative papery bark and very fragrant blooms that appear in late spring. The blooms are trumpet shaped and toned trumpet shaped and toned cream with a flush of pink. Prefers a semi-shaded sheltered spot and acid soil. Mulch annually to keep the roots cool.
Can grow to around 2x2m in the right environment. Not nearly as compact as other Rhododenrons, their growth style can be described as 'leggy', but this is forgiven for their stunning bark show and incredibly fragrant blooms. They are much more tender as well, often being described as 'subtropical'.
R. Maddenii and their hybrids show much better resistance to thrips than most other rhododendrons.