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Agave attenuata is a large succulent that features broad and soft, pale grey-green leaves. It has stout and curving stems that can push the plant up to 1m high. Leaves emerge from the centre to arch gracefully back, looking a bit like a large open green flower. Agaves grow best in full sun, with a well drained soil essential.

This Agave is commonly used as an attractive feature in modern gardens, particularly when planted in clusters or used to contrast with other colours and forms. It is also ideal for rock gardens, growing in a container, planting around the pool or other settings.

As these plants mature, a flower spike may emerge - resembling a foxtail. They emerge from the centre of the plant, and can grow at a truly astounding rate of several inches a day and can ultimately reach up to 10 feet in length! When in bloom they certainly are a  site to be seen!