This lovely, green, dissected leafed Japanese Maple tree makes for a colourful splash in the garden. The lacy foliage is a bright, lime green throughout the spring and mid green in the summer, sometimes with a red tinge, before turning gold and red in the autumn. Acer palmatum dissectum 'Seiryu' is an unusual variety, as it is the only green dissected Japanese Maple tree with an upright growth habit, rather than the usual domed or weeping forms. Acer Seiryu has a striking vase shape which broadens slightly to a rounder form with age, eventually reaching a height and spread of 4 x 4 metres in 20 years.
This dissected maple tree is best positioned in a moist, well-drained soil in slight shade although it is tolerant of full sun. Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' makes a fantastic large shrub or small garden tree that offers an attractive, light canopy throughout the spring, summer and autumn.