Erica mammosa is a slow-growing and long-lived, robust, erect, well-branched shrub,growing to a height of 1.8 m if left undisturbed. It has small, linear leaves. The inflated/tubular deep pink flowers form dense spike-like inflorescences towards the tips of the main branches. The flowers are borne singly or in pairs in the axil of a leaf.
These bright attractive flowers can be found throughout the year however mainly in Autumn into early Winter.
Erica mammosa should be planted in a sunny position with well-drained, sandy, acidic soil. Do not disturb the roots as they are very sensitive. Protect the plant from extreme cold and frost. Pruning of the shrub should be done to remove unwanted material and ensure healthy, multi-stemmed growth.
It has great horticultural potential due to the variety of colours within the species. Planting Erica mammosa in a garden amongst proteas, Agathosma, and ericas of different flowering times will provide colour all year.
It will attract birds to the garden.
Height 1.5m. Width 1m.