This is Grevillea longistyla x johnsonii or better known as Grevillea ‘Elegance’, it is a star performer when it comes to speed of growth, constant flowers and attractive fine leaved foliage, plus the birds adore it!
Grevillea ‘Elegance’ gets BIG that is our only warning, if the label says it grows to 2 metres it is lying. Try doubling that and leave some room for the rest. There are some growers out there who are aptly calling it a tree and from my experience that is not too far from the truth. Although to be a tree you would need to pollard it by pruning the lower branches to give it a trunk but it would probably look lovely like that.
If left alone it will form a beautiful tall dense shrub reaching 4-5 metres high by 4-5 wide.
Grevillea ‘Elegance’ likes a well-drained soil in full sun to part shade, for this reason you can buy Grafted forms of this species, so that it is more hardy in heavier soils. The flower colour can vary slightly from deep pinks as seen here through to a more scarlet red. Whether you keep it in check with heavy pruning or let it go to do its own thing it will quickly screen out those overlooking neighbours and attract birds to your garden year round, if you have the space it is a worthwhile addition.