Spiraea prunifolia, or Bridal Wreath Spiraea, is a drought-tolerant, flowering, deciduous shrub that can grow from 1.5 to 2m high. It tends to be twiggy in form, loose and fountain-like. The plant is easily grown in average, medium moisture, in well-drained soils, and does its best flowering when sited in full sun. It will tolerate light shade, a wide range of soils including clay and some drought.
In its native China, the plant is often found on sunny hillsides or stony, barren places. Because it is an upright, arching shrub that can become leggy, you may want to prune as needed immediately after flowering. On the other hand, if left alone Bridal Wreath Spirea grows into what some consider a graceful, open, arching shrub with branches drooping all the way to the ground. Whether it is leggy or elegant, seems to be a matter of taste.
Bridal Wreath is noted for its early spring bloom of double white flowers that appear in profusion along the bare branches. The pure white flowers are born in long sprays that can be fashioned into wreaths and worn on the head for a special occasion, hence the name.The foliage appears after the blooms as small, shiny dark green leaves. Foliage often develops an attractive red-orange-yellow autumn color.