Asiatic jasmine is not a true jasmine, but it is a popular, fast spreading, hardy groundcover or vine. With fragrant flowers, low maintenance requirements and dense, trailing foliage, Asiatic jasmine is an excellent addition to any warm weather garden.
The evergreen foliage often turns bronze red in cold weather. In summer, it produces abundant clusters of sweetly fragrant, creamy flowers that age to yellow. Slow growing, its dense, low growth makes it a terrific, lustrous groundcover. It will also happily climb a fence, trellis or arbor with support. Also good in containers or cascading out of hanging baskets.
Resembling Trachelospermum jasminoides (Chinese Star Jasmine), the Asiatic Jasmine has smaller leaves in darker green and smaller flowers. It's is more hardy than Star Jasmine and more tempered too!
Grows 15-30cm tall if used as a groundcover, spreading and rooting laterally. If grown up a structure, it can get to 450cm+.