A non-hormone, non-selective weedkiller. Amitrole controls most broadleaf weeds and grasses. However, its main use is for the control of the more difficult to control weeds including: Couch, Indian doab, Sheeps sorrel, Mercer grass, Periwinkle, Cape ivy, Wandering Jew, Wild onion, Docks and Bamboo.
- Controls bamboo, couch, wild onion and other difficult weeds.
- Non-hormonal.
- Easy to use measure bottle.
Directions for use
Use 10-20ml per litre of water. For improved wetting, add Yates Sprayfix at the rate of 3ml/litre. Evenly wet all foliage, avoiding needless run-off onto the soil. Use the higher rate on the difficult weeds listed above.
To control bamboo, cut down mature wood and spray regrowth when 1 metre high and in active growth. Hard-to-kill perennials may require repeat applications to achieve a complete kill.
Effects may not become noticeable until 3-4 weeks after application.
Treated areas can be sown 4 weeks after treatment.
Apply Amitrole carefully. Spray drift may cause serious damage to other desirable plants.
Flush sprayer out carefully with water and wetting agent immediately after use.